Keeping South Woodham Ferrers Town Tidy

Pride in South Woodham Ferrers

The Town Council are now offering an enhanced service and are working with Chelmsford City Council in a new local Street Care Scheme and will undertake some works funded by the Town Council and carried out by us directly. We report all works carried out to Chelmsford City Council.

Members of the public are welcome to report areas of concern to us and we will assess the works. We may do a pre-works site visit to assess the issue before sending a S.S.O ( Street Service Operative) to carry out the work, or will signpost it directly onwards.

A percentage of complaints are often the result of failures by residents themselves to carry out proper maintenance on their premises and boundaries. The Town Council are not permitted to work on private property. Please make sure that you arrange for work to be carried out on a regular basis, if you have trees or hedges on your property. You may wish to speak to your neighbour first, before reporting such issues.

Problems outside of South Woodham Ferrers will need to be reported directly to the council or parish/town council responsible for that area, in order for this to be resolved. Our officers and staff need to focus on matters within the Town. 

As we start this service, we will be targeting certain areas to assess the general condition of the area and to build up a picture of how often certain areas will require attention and how often. We hope you will start to notice these improvements and you can help, by putting your litter in a bin. If the bin is full then please use another bin or take the litter home to be disposed of. We may look at enforcement in the future, so please do not be the first person to be caught.

We also have two E.S.O's who help keep the streets clean and empty bins, as well as reporting issues. Bins and litter in parts of the town will remain the responsibility of Chelmsford City Council and private landlords such as ASDA.

Please note that this Town Council service is in addition to those provided by Chelmsford City Council and Essex County Council.


We Can:


The types of work that are generally carried out by the Street Care Operative are as follows;

Cleaning to non-electrical signs and street furniture.

Checking, opening and closing of posts and bollards on Land under control of the Town Council or where permissions to give access are permitted.

Trimming of vegetation and removal of arising’s and of weeds or vegetation from pavements.

Ad hoc grass cutting and strimming.

Localised cleaning of paved areas and some footpaths, and salting of some areas during winter, (priority is given to areas of high footfall). We will generally not grit the pathways where this requires our team to enter onto a ‘live road’.

Essex County Council will continue to grit all main roads.

Removal of graffiti from municipal street furniture such as litter bins, bus shelters, street name plates and seats, etc.

Small repairs to Town Council fencing and structures

Removal of illegal signs and flyposting. Inspecting and reporting road defects including pavements.

Reclaiming footpaths, checking life buoys and safety equipment such as defibrillators and bleed kits.

Dog/Litter Bins (we may refer these to Chelmsford directly)

Reporting of breaches of local bylaws using photo evidence where required.

Any work reported is both prioritised for urgency and assessed for risk and suitability for our staff to be able to carry out such works.

Work which is done as scheduled maintenance or as part of our timetable of works.

We may pass on reports to our own ground’s maintenance contractors or to Essex Highways, Chelmsford City Council or the landowner or managing agent instead.

Try and keep our town tidy, clean and accessible

This is a new scheme and will take time to 'bed in'. Training will continue to expand skills and we can look to expand equipment and scope.

THANK YOU to everyone who have seen our staff doing works and have taken the time thank them personally. It makes such a difference to our staff to be recognised in such a way.

We cannot:


Carry out work at height or where our risk assessment deems this to be unsafe or we lack the equipment or the qualified staff to carry out the work. Fly tipping clearance, where it is of an amount that it is no longer classed as ‘litter’.

Promise work will be dealt with immediately, we prioritise all work and assess it for time needed and of other work currently reported.

Carry out work outside of our Parish/Town or on any roadway which is an A class road, or where there is a lack of pavement or safe working space.

Carry out work on private property or deal with trees which are subject to preservation orders or are protected. Some parts of South Woodham Ferrers are private rights of way or are run by a management company.

Carry out work on Network Rail property or near overhead power lines or any cable.

Carry out work at height or were a risk assessment deems this to be unsafe or we lack the equipment or the qualified staff to carry out the work.

Deal with 'Fly Tipping' which is to the scale it is no longer classed as 'litter', including large items such as fridges etc. This is reported to Chelmsford City Council.

Promise that the work will be dealt with immediately, as we prioritise all works and assess the it for the time needed, and against other work currently in progress.

Carry out work outside our Parish/Town or on any roadway which is classed as an 'A' road, or where there is a lack of pavement or working space.

Some parts of South Woodham Ferrers are private rights of way or are maintained by a managing agent. We may have to investigate who owns the land before we start.

Carry out parking enforcement on the public highway

Carry out works on land which are scheduled to completed or under investigation by another body or authority

Touch areas of land which are to be left to be left to ' wild over' or left as part of 'No Mow May'

Burn off Grasslands or do works where there are nesting birds or other animals.

Works that require several people to complete the task

Carry out roadway repairs or repairs to pot holes on pavements.

Repair streetlighting or electrical fed items.











We also have a fantastic team of volunteers who litter pick on a regular basis, as well as clean up's on the Fen which we have done in partnership with Chelmsford City Council. Please contact the Town Council if you are interested in volunteering or join the SWF Litter Pickers Group. 

We can carry out works as defined by Section 43 & 50 of the Highways Act 1980, and Part IX, section 47 of the Essex Act 1987 as a 'Parish Council'. 


You can look at the section 'Which Council Does What' to find out who to contact. You are welcome to contact us for advice, but in some cases we can only submit the request and may not be able to follow it up or be able to prioritise the works.

If you have an issue that you think we might be able to deal with, please contact us via our Contact Page or complete the form HERE

Other issues you can report to:

Essex County Council            0345 7430430
Essex Highways                     0345 6037631
Chelmsford City Council      01245 606606

Works completed so far.

Works during June and July examples 

Repair of bin in Tanners Way

Notice of Obstruction notices served in some areas asking residents to carry out works

Works on footway along Burnham Road, near to Medical Centre Bus Stop.

Works on the Corner of Albert Road and Hullbridge Road 

Clearing of weeds in the Town Centre , including around Trinity Square 

Removing Graffiti from Bus Shelters

We have ordered some new equipment in order to carry out works faster, tackle bigger jobs and safer for our staff. We have also leased a new van to assist in transporting tools and waste to site. The van was first seen on public view at our D Day events.  We have a number of works which will be actioned and will add to those as they are reported. Thank you to all the residents who have given out positive feedback to us and our workers.