Regular Hirers & Activities

Please see below details of the group/classes that meet here at Champions Manor Hall.

Please contact them directly for information.

If you would like to become a regular hirer here at Champions, please contact Debbie Edwards 

Essex Kids Camp 


McAllister Martial Arts Academy

South Woodham Zumba, Step and Pilates 


Hatha Yoga mixed ability class

Monday 8 pm, 1 hour class

Champions Manor hall

first class free, then £30 for a 4 week block

contact Alina : 07593508663


SWF Local History Society




Strollercise is a dance programme which takes it’s name from the girls and guys ‘strolling’ in the ‘50’s, and as we do 6,000 steps (3 miles) in a 1 hour class, it became a form of exercise, hence the name. 

Classes are a pay-as-you-go model and there is no need to book. No previous dance experience is needed; we walk and talk through each Stroll and the repetition of it while the music plays means Strollers can learn as they dance.

This programme is excellent for the brain and memory as you need to learn different combinations of steps, plus it has the added benefit of being an enjoyable way to burn calories.

Most importantly, Strollercise gives you a sense of freedom, moving and expressing yourself without worry or judgement. It is low impact, not hard cardio and the music will lift your spirits. In class you will never feel isolated or left out.

Please, if you have any questions, get in touch with Gaby on 07557 102204 or

Strollercise is about reliving memories through the music and creating new ones.

Strollercise - Stroll Your Way To Fitness - Rayleigh

Slimming World


Pilates with Danielle

A friendly and supportive Pilates class focusing on strength, flexibility, and precision. Suitable for all levels. Classes end with a guided relaxation.


  • £10 pay-as-you-go
  • £8 per class when booking a block of specific weeks (paid upfront)


Bellis Wellbeing

Chair Yoga Thursdays 11:00-11:45 am in the Multi-purpose Room

Sound Healing with Gongs - Sunday evenings on 16th February and 30th March

Dates, booking & enquiries available at




Classes are £7 each from February and the first class is free.


Contact number 07500 737418.


Disco Gym


South Woodham Ferrers u3a

South Woodham Ferrers u3a holds its monthly main meeting at Champions Manor Hall on the first Wednesday of the month starting at 1.50.  A speaker is organised for the monthly meeting and there is time to socialise and sign up for interest group activities during the refreshment break.

The u3a movement, founded in 1982, is a non-commercial national voluntary organisation which provides, through membership of a local u3a, opportunities to meet people, learn new things and have fun.

Annual membership is currently £16, this gives you access to the main meeting and the interest groups which run during the month. New members are always welcome.

If you want to find out more and how to join please visit our website.

Sparks Allstars Cheer and Dance


Instagram: @sparksallstars


A Gentle Approach to Hatha Yoga

A class bringing together all the elements of HATHA Yoga: warm ups; yoga postures; breathing exercises and yoga breath work; mantra (sound); chakra work (energy centres); meditation; deep relaxation.

All levels of experience from basic beginners to more experienced, offering a wide range of modifications and adaptations, working slowly with full instructions to suit all.

Stress busting breath work, meditation and relaxation to help quieten the mind and deeply relax a tense or overworked body.

Carole Galbally BWY Dip. A teacher of 43 years experience.

Wednesdays: 10am to 11.30 in MPR.

Please bring a mat (can borrow) and a thick blanket for support, comfort and warmth.

A friendly welcoming mixed ability class.

Cost: £12 per session. 90 minutes.

Email: for further details


Maria's Strictly Solo


 Tiny Toes Ballet


Class/group - Tiny Toes Ballet Essex Mid & South (Baby, toddler and preschool ballet classes)

When - Tuesday term-time in the Multi-purpose room,

Cost - £48 per term payable via our website only. Two week trial period available.

Contact details - Natalie McCormack on 07786266841/

Primal Mixed Martial Arts


Toddler Group


Youth Club

Senior's Film Club

Please check the Events page for the upcoming films.



Please note:  Our list contains our regular hirers and activities and is accurate at the time of publication of the page and maybe subject to change and may not include every hirer.

We do not directly control the hirers, the quality or the subjects covered, or their schedules. We will carry out actions or investigations only when it is a safeguarding matter, other than when it is an event run directly by ourselves, in which case, please contact the Town Clerk.