Meeting Schedule 2024-25


Please see below the link to the meeting schedule for 2024 - 25. Please note the agenda for the meetings is posted 3 clear days prior to the meeting date e.g. Meeting date Tuesday 14th May 2024, agenda will be posted on Wednesday 8th May 2024.

All meetings are at 7.30pm in the Conference room upstairs at Champions Manor Hall.

All minutes of meetings are draft documents until agreed at the next relevant committee meeting

Meeting schedule 24-25 

Procedures for the conduct of meetings are set out in Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972.

A Town Council must hold an Annual Meeting and at least three other meetings in a year. An Extra Ordinary meeting can be called for important business that cannot wait until the next scheduled meeting. An Extraordinary Meeting may be called at any time by the chairman or members, but due notice must be given.

Every meeting is open to the public, who are encouraged to attend, except for those items where the council formally resolves to exclude the public and press on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest. This would have to be due to the confidential nature of the business. This latter also applies to any Committee of the Town Council.

The Town Council can form Committees with delegated powers for specific purposes; these must adhere to all the protocol for minute taking and notice of meetings that apply to the Council. A Council can also appoint Working Groups which are exempt from these constraints to give flexibility, but these have no delegated powers, and cannot make financial decisions.

Notice of meetings must be given at least three clear days before a Town Council or Committee Meeting and be displayed in a “noticeable place” in the Town, giving time, date and venue. A summons to attend the meeting is also issued, specifying the agenda, to every member of the Council.
The Agenda for all meetings is provided on this website.

Residents requiring a copy of papers or reports for Council or Committee meetings should contact the Town Council office prior to the meeting.

The minutes of Council and Committee meetings are taken by the Clerk or Officer in attendance. Draft Minutes are published within two weeks of the last meeting and are ratified at the next meeting of the Council or Committee.

Minutes of all Council and Committee meetings are available to view on this website. 

Councillors are expected to adhere to the “Nolan principles” of conduct in public life.

Policies and Terms of Reference for the committees  can be found under the Council Documents of this website, under the Council tab. 

The Town Clerk or Officer may record the Town Council meetings for the purposes of checking the accuracy of the minutes. If you attend a meeting of the Town Council you are deemed to have given permission for your voice to be recorded.