Planning & Environment

The local planning authority for South Woodham Ferrers is Chelmsford Council and it is responsible for drawing up the Local Plan which sets out the planning policies for the area and provides the framework for assessing planning applications. Chelmsford City Council receives all planning applications and decides if permission can be granted. The planning officers liaise with the applicant, visit the site and gather the views of local and regional, interested parties i.e. neighbours, Natural England, Essex Highways and the Town Council (as a statutory consulted). The Town Council receives notice of all planning applications which are considered by the Planning and Environment Committee. The Committee look at the plans and its comments are then forwarded to Chelmsford City Council. The Town Council are consultees on all applications only. The comments are taken into account when the decision on the planning application is made. The Committee also considers all matters relating to highways, access roads, parking and highway signage. The Committee is also responsible for all matters relating to licensing, land use policies and its own planning policies. The Committee considers and comments on selected large scale consultations or public/private infrastructure proposals for some projects around South Woodham Ferrers or in areas that could affect us. You are welcome to come along to our meetings and give your views, but to be clear we are only a consultee. Our committee also deals with local environment matters, which can be anything from our local green spaces to how we help protect the planet. Please note that latest minutes remain a draft until approved at the next meeting.

14 Jan 25



Committee Members

Darren Thompson

Darren Thompson

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Scott Wilson

Scott Wilson

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Alan Shearring

Alan Shearring

contact Via the Town Council, 01245 321817

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Peter Ferry

Peter Ferry

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Ashley John

Ashley John

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Murrough O

Murrough O'Brien

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Glenn Piesse

Glenn Piesse

Contact via Town Council

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Malcolm Sismey

Malcolm Sismey

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Jackie Birch

Jackie Birch

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Ian Roberts

Ian Roberts

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Pauline Price

Pauline Price

Town Councillor

Contact via Town Council

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Have Your Say

Our council meetings are open to the public*, and you are welcome to come along and speak about an issue you are having in the Town. It is sometimes wise to discuss this in advance with the Town Clerk, who can advise the correct committee you should address your issue too. You will be allowed to address the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 3.e which allows for public questions. 




* We maybe required to hold a section of any meeting in private, at which point you will be asked to leave.