A message from the Outgoing Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor

Published: 14 May 2020

Thank you for your support
Another South Woodham Ferrers Town Council Mayoral year comes to a close. We, Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor respectively, have been privileged in meeting many of you and representing the Town throughout Essex, during that year.
It has been good to publicise the great work of our chosen charity, the Dogs Trust and along the way raise a contribution to their running costs.
We are pleased that due to the commitment of the Town Council staff, much of the important function of the Town Council has continued through the recent trying times. Our premises might have been closed but our telephones never, meaning in times of need, we have been there for you.
We sincerely hope you all keep safe at the present time and send our warm wishes to our newly elected Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor.


Cllr Alan Shearring and Cllr Jackie Birch