New broadband telegraph poles

Published: 16 December 2023

 As a Town Council, we had little to no notice of these being put up, nor do they need to consult with us. 

Unfortunately neither Chelmsford City Council nor Essex County Council or the Town Council will be unable to assist in this matter.

The local planning authority is Chelmsford City Council, whose planning department advised us that:

There exist provisions in the General Permitted Development Order 2015 (Schedule 2, Part 16, Class A) for the installation of telegraph poles up to a height of 15m without the need for express planning permission.

The full text of the General Permitted Development Order 2015 can be found here:  which basically means in layman's terms, telecoms operators don not need planning permission. And they are permitted (subject to payment of ‘wayleave’) to install their equipment on private property as well as highways. Where there are 'trunks' underground which cannot be accessed for various reasons, the installing contractor has opted for poles.   

Information kindly supplied by Cllr Bob Massey.